Orchestra Banquet 2001...

May 18, 2001

Here are some pictures from the orchestra banquet. It was great fun. The whole CLC was there! YAY!

Here's some CLC for you! Cat, Carrie and Kelley!

Here's the CLC! Plus Jessica (who's really an honorary member anyhow, so it's all good...)

Here's the CLC and... Justin? Not sure why he's in there... but it's a decent picture all the same.

Anyone who knows Holly knows this is like... something you'll see once in your life. She did, in fact, speak. Out loud. And there were people... listening, no less.

Here's Kelley- this may have been the Flockage award! That was funny- all these guys followed her up to the front when she got it. :)!

Here's Elizabeth next to Tracy at the CLC table! She's such a goof.

Here's some more CLC! Holly, Cat, Carrie & Tracy!!!

Awwww! How cute are they?? That's Kelley and Carrie

Here's Ricky and Rosa's table!

Here's Jessica in her pretty dress!! YAY!

Here's Holly and her mom...

Naturally we could not have left for the evening without having taken a picture like this...

Danika's table! (With Karen, Yessica, and Cornhead!)

Here's Lauren, Scott and the back of Craig's head?

Kelley gets a big hug from Ms. Myers!

Holly gets a big hug from Ms. Myers...

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