Here are some great photos from our super-secret surprise party! See... we were gonna do something for Mr. Bondies' birthday (he was our Calculus teacher). We thought it would be really funny since he didn't know that we knew when his birthday was (May 30th, by the way...). So we got a couple of other teachers to cooperate and we threw him a party!! It didn't quite work out how we planned, though. Some of the teachers took him out to eat so we could decorate his room- apparently, though, it takes like, 2 hours to eat lunch when you're a bunch of teachers, so we had long since finished decorating, and had been laying around being bored for about an hour and a half when he finally got there. After he got back, though, it was all good fun. Or... or "big fun" if you will.

Here's Ashley... being Anakin

Here's Kelley as Queen Amidala

This is Mr. Bondies wearing a Jar-Jar mask in an inflatable Star Wars swimming pool

The necessary shoe-shot, or in this case, mostly bare-feet shot with a shoe and a sock and a bunch of balloons

Not quite sure what's going on here...

Here's a Cat and a Sarah in the pool! Cat's making a face...

Here's Miss Carrie. This would have been while we were waiting two hours for our guest of honor to get back from lunch. We were getting kinda bored.

This is a goofy picture of Holly. Carrie was a little camera happy... There were other goofy pictures of Holly too, but luckily, those didn't make it onto this page.

Here's Ms. Hancock! She stopped by to join the fun! Of course, when she stopped by she didn't know she was joining any fun... since it was a secret party and all... but we gave her a mask

Mr. Bondies is wearing a Star Wars slap bracelet.

And here, he's beating up on a cardboard battle droid!

A really big, super-efficient group hug.


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